Thursday, August 4, 2016

SuperZoo Day 3

Well, SuperZoo 2016 is over, and I am back home with my dogs, cats, and a giant pile of stuff. Many of the vendors were unbelievably kind, loading me up with all sorts of new foods, treats, and toys to try. (Ok, maybe some of them just didn't want to haul everything back home again...) I met some wonderful people, saw some amazing new products, and spent three days geeking out as hard as I can possibly geek.

Bravo Pet Foods is now making canned foods. They've come a long way since I started buying chubs of their frozen premade raw food for Brisbane nine years ago. They also have some freeze dried raw foods, and all sorts of neatly packaged animal parts like duck feet. Everything is super allergy friendly, and I'm hoping the cats like the new stuff better than their current canned food.
dog food treats samples

Open Farm Pet Foods is probably my new favorite pet food company. They take ethically and sustainably sourced pet food to a whole new level. I think the best part is that you can trace your pet's food all the way back to the farm by entering the product code on their website. They even use Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch information to source the most plentiful and sustainably caught fish. If you're worried about the collapse of world fisheries (and you should be!) this is a company you will love.

I got a Freeze Tag silent pet tag holder to aid in my quest for the perfect tag holder. Soda Pup gave me some new toys to try, and I got to see some of their upcoming products inspired by retro goodies. This was definitely the place to check out pet products unlike anything I've seen before. Silverfoot had some unique leather collars with decorative ribbon overlay. I got to see a Tikr windup puzzle toy in action, and now I need to preorder one. Puppy Paws had some delightful birthstone jewelry for pet parents, and some neat art and memorial pieces as well. Their formula of popular jewelry concept + paw is remarkably effective.

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