Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Costume Parade: Ru the Hot Dog and Brisbane's Lobster Hat

Happy Halloween! This my favorite holiday, and my house is decorated for it year-round. I'm pretty sure the neighborhood kids think I'm a witch, and I am ok with this. Brisbane,Sisci, and Ru aren't thrilled with the idea of showing off costumes in person, but they are happy to pose for pictures! I haven't made them anything new in a while, so here is what I found at the bottom of the costume bin...
chihuahua on a bun
Photo by Erin Koski

Ru on a Bun

This tiny hot dog costume was a thrift store find that was just waiting for us. I always knew Ru needed to be served on a bun. Just look at him, he's probably delicious. The hot dog costume just works. 

As a dog that wears clothes pretty much full time, Ru agrees that the hot dog costume works. It's sort of designed for the purpose of embarrassing your long-bodied dog, but Ru is totally chill with it. He has been a stegosaurus and a fairy princess before, dressing up is just part of his day.

Brisbane's lobster hat
Photo by Erin Koski

This Lobster Hat

I believe I bought this ridiculous lobster hat at Target when Brisbane was a baby. He hated it. Briz hates most clothes. He will, however, pose in nearly anything for treats. 

This is not the best design I've ever seen, but dog hats in general are problematic because the angle between their head and neck changes so much more than ours. The lobster hood has a couple of really obvious flaws. First, those ear slits beside the eyes. What dog is big enough to wear this thing and has ears that tiny? Not Brisbane. They're also way too far forward, especially for how much back-of-head room there is.

The back-of-head space is the worst part, the hood is nearly too small for Brisbane, but has enough space to fit a tennis ball between his head and the back of the hood. I want to see the dog that has that much skull back there.
Brisbane in a lobster hat
Photo by Erin Koski
Combined with the weight of the plush pinchers, this flaw means the hood is going to slip forward over the dog's eyes almost immediately. Not so great if you want the dog to actually walk and function while wearing it.

But totally awesome if you just want to laugh for a while and then take it off.

What is your dog going to be for Halloween?
Brisbane wears the lobster hat
Photo by Erin Koski

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