Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Costume Parade: Purple Dragon Felt Costume

Continuing our Halloween fashion show, here is Sisci wearing a costume I made for my cocker spaniel when I was in college. The material is sparkly purple felt with batting in the middle to help it keep its shape.
felt handmade dog dragon outfit
Photo by Erin Koski

I recall originally having fishing line strung between the wings to keep them up in flying position. Oakley the cocker spaniel was the sort of dog who could chill in a room full of people and thoroughly enjoyed parties. She liked wearing clothes and didn't even seem to notice this costume so I assume it's comfortable.

The double layer of felt plus the batting inside makes it pretty cushy, and it stands up by itself. This was custom made to fit Oakley but has fit pretty much every 20-30 lb dog I've tried it on. Sisci's chest is just a tiny bit too big for the velcro to stay attached between her front legs.
sparkly purple dragon costume
Photo by Erin Koski

I don't sew very often because I find myself doing more un-sewing and mistake-fixing than anything else. Projects that would take 30 minutes without errors often take 3 hours. Most of my friends who sew feel the same way. We sew because we want stuff we can't acquire any other way, not because seamstressing is inherently enjoyable.

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